Kabul Small Animal Rescue
Contact Emergency & Clinic +93 070 783 0605 / +93 078 320 4333 / +93 070 168 3295

Contact Us
EIN 86--1456626

Kabul Small Animal Rescue is a veterinary clinic and animal shelter in Afghanistan working to help animals in need. KSAR provides routine care for owned animals as well as medical care and shelter to injured and orphaned street animals. We also find loving homes for homeless pets by providing adoption services both in Afghanistan and abroad. The majority of our patients and residents are dogs and cats, but we have also treated and provided sanctuary for livestock, birds, rabbits, and tortoises. Our full-service clinic is open and staffed by licensed veterinarians 24/7. Emergency cases can be brought or called in 24/7 and routine cases are seen Saturday through Thursday, 8am-5pm.
CBS News features KSAR and Chase
In case you missed it, CBS News recently featured a story about KSAR and former working dog Chase and his journey to get back to his family in the U.S. Since arriving at KSAR in November of 2022, staff has been working hard to reunite Chase with his former handler. Much progress has been made with his export paperwork, so stay tuned for more updates.
We know that our success in caring for Chase and all of our pets at KSAR is because of you, our valued supporters. Take a moment to see what we've accomplished because of you.

2023 Grant Recipient by Athletes for Animals
Kabul Small Animal Rescue is honored and delighted to be selected as a Fall 2023 Grant Recipient by Athletes for Animals, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which is defined by A4A as a "united team of professional athletes with a shared passion for rescuing and protecting the welfare of homeless pets." KSAR applied for the grant to support its ongoing spay/neuter program for its animals as part of its larger mission to rescue and care for sick, injured and abandoned animals, and KSAR will gratefully use the A4A grant funds for that purpose.